
This blog is dedicated to writing about things that are related to asexuality.  I decided to start this because I am an aromantic asexual who doesn’t happen to know any other aces in real life.  So this is an attempt to reach out both for myself and for others like me who may be looking for something they can relate to.  Or you can just read it to have a good laugh, I don’t know your life.  For now the posts are limited to topics concerning asexuality, but that may change if I run out of things to post about.  Unfortunately I very much suck at upkeep so my posting on this will most likely be very erratic, sorry!  To add a little context, I am an American college student so some things I post about may reflect that.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Jennie Saia says:

    Hello! I’m Jennie, a fellow blogger. I edit a site called The Outlier Collective which invites guest bloggers to write pieces on current events and “the big questions” from their personal perspectives. Rarasaur recommended your blog to me as I’m looking for a guest author to contribute a piece on asexuality in two weeks. I love your voice, and would be interested to talk more – if this sounds intriguing, please drop me a line at jennieunc@gmail.com. Cheers!

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